Artículos científicos


Publicaciones SUMMIT

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The Role of Social Support in Perinatal Mental Health and Psychosocial Stimulation

Autores : Kay TL, Moulson MC, Vigod SN, Schoueri-Mychasiw N, Singla DR.

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Protocol for an economic evaluation of scalable strategies to improve mental health among perinatal women: non-specialist care delivered via telemedicine vs. specialist care delivered in-person

Autores : Singla DR, de Oliveira C, Murphy SM, Patel V, Charlebois J, Davis WN, Dennis C-L, Kim JJ, Kurdyak P, Lawson A, Meltzer-Brody S, Mulsant BH, Schoueri-Mychasiw N, Silver RK, Tschritter D, Vigod SN, Byford S.

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The Role of Social Support in Perinatal Mental Health and Psychosocial Stimulation

Autores : Kay TL, Moulson MC, Vigod SN, Schoueri-Mychasiw N, Singla DR.

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