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COVID-19 mental health impact and responses in low-income and middle-income countries: reimagining global mental health

Auteurs : Kola L, Kohrt BA, Hanlon C, Naslund JA, Sikander S, Balaji M, Benjet C, Cheung E, Eaton J, Gonsalves P, Hailemariam M, Luitel NP, Machado DB, Misganaw E, Omigbodun O, Roberts T, Salisbury TT, Shidhaye R, Sunkel C, Ugo V, van Rensburg AJ, Gureje O, Pathare S, Saxena S, Thornicroft G & Patel V

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Mobile Health for Perinatal Depression and Anxiety: Scoping Review

Auteurs : Hussain-Shamsy N, Shah A, Vigod SN, Zaheer J, Seto E.

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